Depending on the priorities of your organisation and the challenges that face it, you can chose to spend between 2 hours and two days on the “Enterprise Healthcheck”. A question-based approach that can be conducted via one-2-one interview of group facilitation, the healthcheck provides a scored assessment of your organisation across a set of areas that are proven – through research and experience; to have a major impact on the ability of an organisation to maintain its focus, optimise its resources and achieve its objectives.

These proven areas )in addition to revenue management & resource management) include:
# Human Resource Management: HR Budget; HR Staff; Organisation mission & goals; HR Planning; Staff Data; Computerisation of Data; Personnel Files; Job Classification; Compensation & Benefits system; Recruitment, Transfer & Promotion; Orientation Programme; Policy Manual; Discipline, Termination and Grievance procedures; Industrial Relations (Unions); Labour & Employment law compliance; Job Descriptions; Staff Supervision; Evaluation; Staff Training; Management & Leadership Development
# Performance Management: Service; Strategy; Objectives; Alignment; Performance; Management; Development; Competency; Training; Communications; Mutual Agreement
# Cost Management: Work unit right-sizing; Deduplication; Roles and Responsibilities; Product Review; Poject Review (IT, capital and other); Employee overheads; Connectivity; Sans of control and levels; People, skills and capabilities; Pay rates, allowances and premiums; Demand Challenge – Non Core Processes; Operating Model; Ativity and Process Efficiency; Process Benchmarking; Process Effectiveness (Core Processes)
And supporting these three areas are a set of simple, insightful organisation assessment tools:
- 7-Cs quick assessment tool: Coordination; Commitment; Competence; Communication; Conflict Management; Creativity; Capacity Management
- McKinsey’s 7-S organisation assessment tool: Strategy; Structure; Systems; Style; Staff; Skills; Shared Values
- Organisation Culture assessment tool: Vision; Strategic Direction; Goals & Objectives; Core Values; Creating Change; Customer Focus; Organisation Learning; Empowerment; Team Orientation; Capacity Development; Agreement; Coordination & Integration
These tools will allow you to understand the most relevant aspects of your organisation for today’s challenging environment; identify the most appropriate opportunities that you should focus on in order to consolidate your current position and to prioritise these opportunities so as to maximise your resources in order to achieve your objectives