Monday, May 26, 2008

Information & Communications Technology (ICT) as an Intervention Strategy for Sustainable Development Projects

I recently completed a piece of research on the role of ICT in development projects/interventions. The purpose of this research exercise is to understand the current thinking in development circles of the role and potential of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in development and to identify areas of opportunity that an Irish-based NGO working in International Development can learn from and leverage in order to:

  • Identify key actions/opportunities to improve the sustainability of ICT-focused development interventions
  • Develop a programmatic approach to allow/ensure Camara delivers ongoing development rather than one-off interventions
  • Add value to ICT-based development programmes & projects

The tangible output is a series of questions or propositions that a Development Organisation (an NGO working in the ICT area or using ICT as part of its development intervention) should answer in its identification of needs; design of development intervention strategies; management of development projects & programmes and/or in the monitoring and evaluation of those programmes & projects. As such, this research exercise is a practical knowledge management exercise.

The research technique adopted is based on a literature review of existing research, building upon the experience gained by peers and policy-makers in the development sector.

  • International Policy: Research commissioned by International and multilateral organisations – such as the UN and World Bank.

  • National Policy: Reviews and assessments of development policies that draw upon or focus on ICTs.

  • Donor Experience: Donor research leveraging their own experience or requirements in supporting ICT projects.

  • NGO Experience: Strategies; Projects and Research undertaken by NGOs drawing upon their practical experience from projects and partners.

  • Beneficiary/ Partner Experience: Direct experience from project participants, including partner organisation, recipients of ICT supports and personnel involved in delivering the projects

I based on the findinsg on the Development Value Chain that I have developed ( in relation to the roles (i.e. questions to be answered) of the Donor, iNGO & Local partners and beneficiary

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