The main concept of the LogFrame is “means & ends”. The better the means and end linkages between each level of aims (the matrix), the better the programme design. By definition, each programme has an “if-then” or “means-&-end” logic embedded in it.
o If we produce certain results under certain conditions,
o Then we can expect to achieve certain other outcomes
The LogFrame has the following advantages:
- It brings together in one place a statement of all the key components of a project (this is particularly helpful when there is a change of staff)
- It presents them in a systematic, concise and coherent way, thus clarifying and exposing the logic of how the project is expected to work
- It separates out the various levels in the hierarchy of objectives, helping to ensure that inputs and outputs are not confused with each other or with objectives and that wider ranging objectives are not overlooked
- It clarifies the relationships which underlie judgments about likely efficiency and effectiveness of projects
- It identifies the main factors related to the success of the project
- It provides a basis for monitoring and evaluation by identifying indicators of success, and means of quantification or assessment
- It encourages a multidisciplinary approach to project preparation and supervision.
The MSExcel tool allows for all aspects of the LogFrame planning process, that is to say good-decisions around objectives, activities and resource (time, money & things) optimisation, to be captured in a sinlge, integrated tool.

Advantages of the Integrated LogFrame tool include:
1. Defining the objectives in the most concise, manageable way – SMART

2. Directly linking the objectives to outputs (results); inputs (resources), ensuring that the activities (who) are Measurable & Achievable
3. Activity & resource-based planning to better define the Relevant, Time-bound responsibilities of participants & partners in the programme – and the resources (that, combined, make up the budget) available to the programme

5. An integrated Project Plan – aligning objectives to results (outcomes) to activities to responsibilities (who) and to resources (time-money-things).

6. It also integrates the LogRisk register into the same tool – reflection risks & assumptions:
• A Risk is a definable, but unknowable event that we presume WILL occur. – as a result additional activities and resources will be required in the programme to monitor &/or mitigate these risks
• An Assumption is a definable, unknowable event that we presume will NOT occur, and so additional resources are not immediately required in the programme, although these assumptions should be monitored as part of Monitoring Indicators

7. And finally the tool allows you to “link” the programme LogFrame to the MDGs and, inn this case the Irish Aid donor priorities – aligning programmes to both strategic goals and donor priorities